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The second part of the paper examines Harry Frankfurt's narrowly subjective conception of unconditional love and highlights certain counterintuitive consequences of it. The first part of the paper examines and criticises those arguments which attempt to defend conditional love by appeal to the idea that love is based upon the properties of the beloved. This paper examines the peculiar status of unconditional love in the romantic context and argues that it is unwarranted the best kind of romantic commitment should be viewed as conditional. In other contexts, we think conditional commitment (commitment which can in some sense be rendered intelligible by appeal to reasons) to be superior.

The next day I went back and sampled it again, this time the sales girl gave me samples of the scent as well as the firming body emulsion and shower gel in the same fragrance. I'm not sure why I instantly label fruity and sweet smelling fragrances as unsophisticated but I had filed this one as such in my mind.

Maybe Unconditional Love wasn't such a throwaway after all. She said (and I quote) that I smelled "amazing". Lost in the reverie of daydreaming (what else is one to do in a long line at the post office?) I was brought out of my thoughts by the lady standing behind me who asked me what scent I was wearing. I will admit the first time I sampled Unconditional Love, I liked it instantly but decided to file it under "guilty pleasure" as the intensely sweet and fruity notes together reminded me of a summertime concoction that I used to wear from Bath and Bodyworks when I was a teenager.īut then I went to the post office and found myself standing in what seemed to be a never ending line. I've actually tried it three times in the last week as Philosophy has opened a flagship store near my home in Santa Monica and I find myself frequently walking by its open doors. This past week I sampled Philosophy's newest fragrance, Unconditional Love.