Ancora jobs
Ancora jobs

Some five million - or one in five of the workforce - are employed in the civil service, local government and public healthcare.įillon proposes raising the pensionable age of retirement to 65, from 62 at the moment. ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENTįillon proposes a return to a legal working week of 39 hours in the public and private sectors, up from the 35-hour week which since 2000 has obliged employers to pay higher rates or give time off for hours above the 35-hour mark.įillon says the 39-hour week would apply straight away in the public sector and that negotiated deals in the private sector can allow people to work up to an EU ceiling of 48 hours.įillon proposes cutting the headcount by 500,000 by not replacing all retiring civil servants and increasing the working week to 39 hours. He is also a social conservative who wants to limit adoption rights of gay couples and he has called for warmer ties with Russia.

ancora jobs ancora jobs

The former prime minister proposes a supply-side economic strategy with cuts in public spending, loosening restrictions on the length of the working week, and raising the retirement age. FILE PHOTO: Francois Fillon, former French Prime Minister, member of the Republicans political party and 2017 French presidential election candidate of the French centre-right, visits the French National Space Agency (CNES) in Toulouse, France, April 13, 2017.

Ancora jobs